To understand the Unholy Circle, you need to know about the North family. Now this example happened in Nevada, but since this scandal, states throughout the US have uncovered similar disasters.
Rudy and Rennie North were an older couple living together. They had a daughter who did not live with them. They did not have dementia or any other mental illnesses. They owned a home and a bank account.
They were like you and me.
One day there was a knock on the door. It was a woman who said she was an officer of the court. Her name was April Parks.
Ms. Parks had another person with her. They demanded to enter the home. She told the Norths, “You have three options: One, you can come with me to an assisted living facility; two, you can come with me to a mental hospital; or three; we are calling the police.”
The Norths were scared, and they didn’t want any trouble, so they went with this woman. Had they known what was about to happen to them, they would have run. As they were walking out the door, Ms. Parks and the man with her confiscated their cell phones. They were about to become prisoners.

What Makes Up The Unholy Circle?
April Parks is the first person in the Unholy Circle.
April Parks then took Mr. and Mrs. North to the doctor. The doctor signed a statement that the North’s were not able to manage their own finances. The doctor then sedated the Norths so they were sleepy and could not defend themselves.
The doctor is the second person in the Unholy Circle.
April Parks now went to a court lawyer who filed paperwork with the Adult Guardianship Court stating that Mr. and Mrs. North were not able to take care of themselves. Well, yeah, if you’re sedated and afraid, you would probably have a hard time taking care of yourself too.
The court lawyer was the third person in the Unholy Circle.
The Adult Guardianship Court judge is the four person in the Unholy Circle.
The Adult Guardianship Court is the same type of court that Britney Spears has been trapped in in California. April Parks was appointed by the court to take over every aspect of North’s life.
She used this power to steal their money, isolate them from their family, and prevent communication with the outside world. Ms. Parks sold their home and used up all their life savings.
The Adult Guardianship Court allowed this government takeover of the Norths despite the objections of the daughter.

So here is the complete unholy circle: the guardian, the doctor, the lawyer, and the judge.
These are people we should be able to trust, but they took advantage of the Norths. The Norths, tragically, were not the first to fall victim to this scheme, and they were certainly not the last.
It is the only way to now guarantee that strangers cannot kidnap you. If you don’t know what to file, the government can and possibly will take over, and you can fall prey to the Unholy Circle.
In 2019, April Parks was sentenced 16-40 years for her crimes, and her business partner and husband were also given lesser sentences for their participation. But there are many people like her who have gone unpunished for doing the same thing, and there is still much to be done to reform the law.
That is why it is so important to take the necessary action to protect yourself.

How do WE help?
This is where the Gold Membership Program starts to kick in. As part of our Exclusive Discount, you get up to 12 MONTHS FREE on the Gold Membership Program.
Our team ensure that the proper documents are created and submitted to the state to protect you from the Unholy Circle of Adult Guardianship Court.
Otherwise, the unholy circle of the adult guardianship or conservator court can appoint a stranger to be in charge of your life.
Call our office now at (702) 804-0024 or sign up online for our FREE consultation!